
Welcome to SynchroTrans 2023

The third SynchroTrans workshop will take place in Lille (France) in September 2023.

SynchroTrans is a two-day meeting, informal in character and intended to share the latest research on synchronization applications, models, and algorithmic approaches within the vehicle routing community. SynchroTrans is a small, focused, single-stream workshop on synchronization in vehicle routing and transport: In classical VRPs, synchronization between vehicles is necessary only with respect to which vehicle visits which customer.

However, there are many applications of VRPs having additional synchronization requirements with regard to spatial, temporal, and load aspects. Examples are load transfers between vehicles, trucks pulling detachable trailers, combined routing of vehicles and crews, synchronized operations of service technicians or home health care staff, synchronized routing of snowplows etc. Such types of VRPs have recently attracted more and more interest from the OR community.

The first SynchroTrans workshop was held in Mainz (Germany) in 2013 and the second SynchroTrans workshop was held in Nantes (France) in 2019.

The workshop venue is Centrale Lille, an engineering school in the city of Lille, located in North France, easily reachable by train from Paris, Brussels and London. The Lille metropolitan area is the fourth most populated in France. It is nicknamed the "Capital of Flanders", and its historic center, the Vieux Lille (Old Lille), is characterized by typical red brick houses, paved pedestrian streets and its central Grand'Place surrounded by the Opera of Lille, the old stock exchange (veille bourse) and its belfry. 

Note that SynchroTrans 2023 is by invitation only.



The participation fee is 175 EUR and includes the welcome reception, the conference dinner, free coffee/tea and soft drinks between sessions, and meals for lunch on Thursday and Friday.

All payments should be made by bank transfer to Centrale Lille.

Details about IBAN and Code BIC can be found in the email that will be sent to you after your registration.

Communication: Please use "SynchroTrans2023 - Your full name ".

Registration opens soon on the Registration page.


Abstracts must be written in English and be no longer than one page.
Each attendee is allowed to present at most ONE paper at the conference.
Submission opens soon and wiil be in pdf format on the Submission page using the following latex model latex_template.

Important Dates

Abstract submission Closed
Registration Closed
Abstract submission deadline June 23, 2023
Notification of acceptance June 30, 2023
Registration deadline August 1, 2023
Workshop September 21-22, 2023
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